Privacy Policy
Flatley’s Plumbing Express (“Company, we, or us”) is committed to protecting your right to privacy. In keeping with that commitment, we are providing you with details about the information we collect while doing business.
When you visit the Site
When you visit our web site (“Site”), you will be assigned a permanent “cookie”(a small text file) to be stored on your computer’s hard drive. The purpose of the cookie is to identify you when you visit the Site, so we can enhance and customize your online experience.
You can choose to browse the Site without cookies, butwithout this identifying file, you may not be able to take advantage of certainfeatures of the Site. Each web browser is different, so generally check the“Help” menu of your web browser to learn how to change your cookie preferences.
We also collect certain technical information from yourcomputer each time you request a page during a visit to the Site. Thisinformation may include your Internet Protocol (IP) address, your computer’soperating system, web browser type, and the address of a referring web site, ifany. We collect this information to enhance the quality of your experienceduring your visit to the Site and will not sell or rent this information to anythird parties.
We may also contract with third parties to provide us withdata collection and reporting services regarding the Site and to track andmeasure performance of our marketing efforts. These third parties may usecookies and may receive anonymous information about your browsing and activityon the Site. None of your personally identifiable information (such as yourname, address, and email address) will be received by or shared with thesethird parties.
When you submit information to us
Information you submit to us via the Site is stored on a secure server.
When you choose to receive e-mail from us
From time to time, you may receive e-mailed information about our products,promotions, and services. In addition to receiving e-mail from us, you mayoccasionally receive special mailings from us.
When you enter a contest or complete a survey
Contests and surveys provide us with an opportunity to improve our productofferings and enhance the Site. While we do not release specific informationabout contest and survey participants, we may occasionally e-mail our contestand survey participants about special offers and Site updates.
When you click on a link in our e-mail communications
In order to create a better electronic community, we may collect specific userprofile information, such as the referring URL. This information is used toidentify broad demographic trends that may allow us to provide you withinformation tailored to your interests. You will not be personally identifiedfrom this information.
Non-Sharing of Personal Information
We respect your privacy and do not sell, trade, or share your personalinformation for marketing purposes. Your data is used solely to provideservices you’ve requested or as consented. We may share information withtrusted third parties strictly for operational purposes, and they areprohibited from using it for anything else. We take all necessary steps tosafeguard your information from unauthorized access or disclosure.
When you leave our site
We have no control over the privacy practices of sites outside of our domain.If you follow a link on the Site to another website, read that website’sprivacy policy and contact that website’s administrator with yourprivacy-related questions.

Mon - Fri: 7am - 7pm
Sat: 7am - 3pm
After hours service available